
Micro Slow Close Check Valve Water Hammer Systems Security

Micro Slow Close Check Valve Problems of protection against water hammer on Micro Slow Close Check Valve closure process carried out a detailed analysis by the method of characteristics for the example calculation reveals the potential problems this valve for micro- resistance slow closing check valve design and use to provide a reference . Micro Slow Close Check Valve Water Hammer system security one , in the pumping station , the pump outlet check valve is installed at a water  Valve manifolds  devices , its main role is in an accident when the pump stops to prevent the backflow of water and unit high-speed rewind. Since ordinary swing check valve partial resistance, are being replaced by other energy-saving valve , which ,  Valve manifolds  stop valve is an alternative device in one. At present , the domestic application of more northern areas is declining Swing Slow Close Check Valve , it is a good energy saving products , but its water hammer  High pressure ball valve  is not ideal , easy to cause water hammer accidents. In this paper, method of characteristics , examples of calculations from the analysis of its water hammer protection features, proposed the valve problems in the application of this valve precautions for analysis, for the valve unit is being used to provide technical reference ; Meanwhile, for micro Slow close Check Valve should have discussed the characteristics , in order to facilitate the design and operation management in the application of such valves to choose.

